Wednesday 24 June 2015

Sin doesn't get in.

Your true value is what's inside you. The real you that will never stop being you, even after death. Question is: Where will the real you spend eternity?

Choice is yours...

Jesus Christ is God. He has paid for the sins of all those who come to Him with a humble heart, broken and needing forgiveness for their sins. We have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.

If you die in your sins, having never come before Christ and repented for your sins, you won't be going to heaven. There is no sin in heaven, it is a Holy place. Sin doesn't get in.

There is only one other place, Hell, and you don't want to go there for eternity. What a tradgedy that would be, especially since Jesus Christ has already paid for you to enter heaven with Him.

If you ask Him to save you.

Choose life, choose Jesus Christ.

(Please watch the salvation message top right)

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